Thursday, December 9, 2010

The flock, part ii

Yes, you guessed it---none of 'the ladies' went to the killing cone last weekend! That's because we haven't got all the parts to make one yet. I did find some ductwork pieces that get us more an halfway there. We just need a funnel that we can cut the end off of, or else a smaller piece of flashing or ductwork that we can mold into the piece we need. Hopefully, we'll get that done this weekend.

In other animal news, we found out that 'our' butchers set aside time at the time of the County Fair, so if we buy at the fair, they will be able to do their high quality job on a hog for us! Who wants bacon?!?! Mmmmmm, bacon!! The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. I do not actually have time to raise my own pig at this time. But I do have time, and money, to support a young farmer, who's learning this venerable profession. Just by asking them how they raised the hog, I'll let them know people care about how their food is treated. It seems like a valuable, community-oriented thing to do. Especially since we've figured out that sausage is soooooooo easy to make!

And our Christmas present to ourselves this year is that we hooked up speakers to the wires that were already run through our house. So now we have music everywhere! Sweet! It's like a grownup house! I know. It's not Christmas yet. But this way we can listen to Christmas songs all the way to Christmas!

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