Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Unexpected Gratitude

Every once in a while, something happens that makes you realize that there was a fork in the road a while back. You took one road, but you might not have. And then you'd be over there, on that other road. And that would totally suck. I was standing in the shower after cleaning the garage today, when I realized all of the following:

1) it's been raining since February, with snow in the mountains reaching levels 400% above normal.
2) we are relatively dry here.
3) every boarding stable in Northen Utah is completely unprepared for rain---you're lucky if they will do turn out in the rain.
3) some people are worrying about moving their horses because of the flooding.
4) there is a serious outbreak of EHV-1 that started about a mile from here. This is the disease that nearly killed Trinket 6 years ago.
5) our last boarding barn is under quarantine, with no horses allowed in or OUT. This means that at least one of those horses was exposed.
6) Utah horse council is recommending all horses stay home. Shows and clinics are being cancelled all over the place.
7) There is nowhere for the people in 3 to take their horses.
8) I am so grateful. If we had not, more or less spontaneously, decided to buy a horse farm last year, I would be in a total panic, as I waited to see if any of our four-legged friends caught this deadly disease. As it is, I have complete control over whether or not my horses are exposed. So they won't be. We are above water and (mostly) dry. And I have dozens of people to thank for helping make this possible.

Thanks to Deonne, who helped us find this place. Mickey who helped us put the financing together. Adam and Colin and Dan and Deb and John and Sheri who helped us move in. Dale and Genie who repeatedly helped us in so many ways. Bill and Nancy who taught us how to run the ditch. Shawna, who helped with lots of things, from the tack room to the field shelters. But most especially, Jo-Ann, who has been here every day, rain or shine, always ready to help out, cheer up, listen, advise, and try something she's never done before, just because she loves it here. Thank you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It could be otherwise. But it's not. And I am endlessly grateful for that.

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